LEPL Youth Agency annually implements youth summer camps, inter alia for youth residing in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions, in village Anaklia and adjacent to Shaori reservoir.
Special quotas for engagement in summer camps are allocated inter alia for persons nominated by the Government of A/R of Abkhazia and the Administration of the former Autonomous District of South Ossetia
Moreover, LEPL Youth Agency annually announces grant competition targeting the strengthening of youth organizations.
The first priority of the competition announced in 2024 was “Peace Building and Intercultural Dialogue, including the Integration of Ethnic Minorities”.
The application is open during 13-25 period of each month to support regional youth initiatives where the priority is attached to the applications of those organizations, which represent Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions and create services/opportunities for youth residing in these regions.
LEPL Youth Agency annually also implements “Program Supporting Youth Events”. Youngsters residing in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions can also participate in various planned and implemented activities of the Program.
Additional information – https://youthagency.gov.ge
Contact information - LEPL Youth Agency: (+995 32) 2305165; email: info@youthagency.gov.ge