A number of opportunities are created for the youth residing in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions to access quality higher education and benefit from maximum scholarship for receiving education at universities: 


Enrollment in higher educational institutions


Enrollment of entrants residing in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions in higher educational institutions (universities) in the rest of Georgia is enabled through various options, upon their preference:


1. Enrollment without Unified National Exams (without exams).
2. Enrollment through the post-secondary education preparation program (without exams).
3. Enrollment through the Unified National Exams
4. Enrollment under the Georgian language educational program (the so-called 1+4 program).
5. Continuation of studies in higher educational institutions in the rest of Georgia


1. Enrollment without Unified National Exams (without exams)


For this purpose, the entrants from Abkhazia region should register on the website - https://www.meca.gov.ge while entrants from Tskhinvali region – on https://soa.gov.ge/. Registration is open annually, from August 1 to September 5. 


To enroll in universities in the rest of Georgia, entrants residing in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions can use:


  • ID Card of Georgian citizen; or
  • Personal ID Number granted as a result of registration; or
  • Neutral ID Card (SNID) or Neutral Travel Document (SNTD)


This opportunity can be applied by entrants who during the last 2 years studied at and graduated from general educational institutions (schools) existing in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions. 


The recognition of general education received in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions is implemented by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the A/R of Abkhazia and the Administration of the former Autonomous District of South Ossetia.  


A student from Abkhazia or Tskhinvali region enrolled without (without Unified National) exams is provided with scholarship.


For additional information please visit:


- https://www.abkhazia.gov.ge/saministro/MINISTRY-OF-EDUCATION-AND-CULTURE   
- https://soa.gov.ge/ 


Contact Information:


Hotline of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the A/R of Abkhazia (+99532) 2950752
Education Service of the Temporary Administration of former South Ossetia: (+995) 595958052


2. Post-secondary education preparation program


Entrants residing in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions who notwithstanding the graduation from school, require/would prefer to additionally prepare themselves to successfully continue their studies at higher educational institution (university) and to better adapt to the new environment, can benefit from the post-secondary education preparation program free of charge. 


The scope of the Program:


Entrants from Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions, following graduation from school (receipt of general education) and before enrollment to the university (higher educational institution), will undergo a one-year intensive preparation course at LEPL Shota Meskhia Zugdidi State University or at LEPL Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.


In the frames of the preparation course, entrants are educated in subjects required for the preferred higher educational program as well as in Georgian language and literature; the quality of their knowledge of foreign language will also be improved.


Following the completion of the program, the learning results will be evaluated (on the basis of simplified test) that will enable the entrant to enroll at any educational program of his/her choice in the universities in the rest of Georgia without (Unified National) exams.


The Post-Secondary Education Preparation Program is free; moreover, monthly scholarship and accommodation (dormitory) is provided (as needed).


Enrollment in the Program:


Entrants are enrolled in the Post-Secondary Education Preparation Program without exams.


For this purpose, the entrants from Abkhazia region should register at the website -  https://www.meca.gov.ge, while entrants from Tskhinvali region – on https://soa.gov.ge/. Registration is open annually, from August 1 to September 5. 


To enroll in the universities in the rest of Georgia, entrants residing in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali region can use:


  • ID Card of Georgian citizen; or
  • Personal ID Number granted as a result of registration; or
  • Neutral ID Card (SNID) or Neutral Travel Document (SNTD).


The mentioned opportunity can be used by entrants who for the last 2 years studied at and graduated from general educational institutions (schools) in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions.


The recognition of general education received in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions is implemented by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the A/R of Abkhazia and by the Administration of the former Autonomous District of South Ossetia.


Additional information - https://www.abkhazia.gov.ge/saministro/MINISTRY-OF-EDUCATION-AND-CULTURE



Contact Information: 

Hotline of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the A/R of Abkhazia (+99532) 2950752
Education Service of the Temporary Administration of former South Ossetia: (+995) 595958200


3. Enrollment through the Unified National Exams


Entrants residing in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions, who would prefer or deem it necessary to enroll at the university on the basis of exams, are enabled to participate in the Unified National Exams.


For this purpose, the entrants should register during the registration deadlines annually announced by the National Assessment and Examination Center on the website - www.naec.ge 


To enroll in the universities in the rest of Georgia, entrants residing in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions can use:


  • ID Card of Georgian citizen; or
  • Personal ID Number granted as a result of registration; or
  • Neutral ID Card (SNID) or Neutral Travel Document (SNTD)

Entrants who graduated from school (received general education) in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions should submit a document of recognition of general education to the LEPL National Assessment and Examination Center.


The recognition of general education received in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions is implemented by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the A/R of Abkhazia and the Administration of the former Autonomous District of South Ossetia.


The entrant who has received general education in Abkhazia or Tskhinvali region and chooses to become a student by passing Unified National Exams, is enabled to pass exams in mathematics, history, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, fine and applied arts, and civic education in Russian language. For this purpose, entrants should apply to the National Assessment and Examination Center within the defined period (www.naec.ge).


Following the results at the Unified National Exams, the entrant from Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions can receive full or partial scholarship . In case the entrant will not be able to receive any funding, or receives only partial scholarship, he/she can submit an application for receiving social (educational) grant on the website: http://socreg.mes.gov.ge/ 


(Additional information about the social (educational) grant is available at the website -  https://mes.gov.ge/content.php?id=4791&lang=geo ).

Contact information concerning Unified National Exams and scholarship - LEPL National Assessment and Examination Center: (+99532) 2473333


4. Georgian Language Educational Program (so-called 1+4 Program)


Entrants residing in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions, who are not fluent enough in Georgian language, are enabled to enroll in Georgian universities in a simplified manner - through a special educational program of training in Georgian language, the so-called 1+4 Program.


The scope of the Program:


To enroll in Georgian language educational program (the so-called 1+4 Program), the entrant should pass only one - Ossetian or Abkhazian language exam.


Following successful passing of the exam, the entrant will be provided with full scholarship , intensive study of Georgian language for one academic year, followed by the continuation of studies at the same university, at any preferred faculty. 

Students from Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions enrolled in a university on the basis of the so-called 1+4 Program are provided with continued scholarship.


Enrollment in the Program:


To enroll in the so-called 1+4 program, the entrant should only register within the registration deadlines annually announced by the National Assessment and Examination Center (www.naec.ge).


To enroll in the so-called 1+4 Program, students residing in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali region can use:


  • ID Card of Georgian citizen; or
  • Personal ID Number granted as a result of registration; or
  • Neutral ID Card (SNID) or Neutral Travel Document (SNTD).  


Students who graduated from school (received general education) in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions, should submit a document of recognition of general education to the LEPL National Assessment and Examination Center.


The recognition of general education received in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions is implemented by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the A/R of Abkhazia and the Administration of the former Autonomous District of South Ossetia .


Additional information - www.naec.ge.

Contact Information: Hotline - (+99532) 2473333


5. Continuation of studies in higher educational institutions in the rest of Georgia


Students already receiving higher education in Abkhazia or Tskhinvali region and preferring to continue their studies at the university in the rest of Georgia, are provided with a unique opportunity to engage in mobility and receive quality education - to continue their studies in any preferred educational program without (Unified National Exams) exams and through scholarship.


For this purpose, a student should apply to the university selected for mobility and receive a document, which certifies the compliance of the education received in Abkhazia/Tskhinvali region with the chosen educational program of this university. 


The document should then be submitted to the LEPL Georgian National Center for Education Quality Enhancement (www.eqe.ge; (+995 32) 2022121) with the aim to obtain the recognition of education received in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions. 


To obtain scholarship, student should apply to the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of Georgia within the defined period  www.mes.gov.ge/content.php?id=12953&lang=geo (+995 32) 2 200 220). 



Recognition of the higher education received in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions


Recognition of the higher education received in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions enables:


  • Continuation of studies in universities in the rest of Georgia;
  • Obtaining of an internationally recognized educational document for: 
    - Enrollment in an international exchange/educational program; 
    - Enrollment in leading universities of the world; 
    - Employment to a preferred profession in compliance with received qualification.


Recognition Rules:

LEPL National Center for Education Quality Enhancement implements the recognition of the higher education received in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions (www.eqe.ge).


For this purpose, it is necessary:


- A copy of an identity document and in absence of such - any document allowing identification of a person;
- Information certifying that the interested person has completed higher education in Abkhazia or Tskhinvali region or is receiving higher education there (if any);
- If possible, data on the witnesses who can certify the receipt of higher education by the interested person in Abkhazia or Tskhinvali region (this may be an international organization operating on the ground);
- A reference issued by the higher educational institution, which certifies that the education received by the interested person in Abkhazia/Tskhinvali region is in compliance with the preferred educational program of the selected university.


Additional information - 



Contact Information: (+995 32) 2022121



+ Students


+ Million $ Funding